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Oct 30, 2012 - Life, Travel    1 Comment

Skype Dates: A Neccessary Means of Survival

Time for a sappy post.

When people here find out I have a boyfriend back home, the first thing they say is “That must be really hard”. To which, I reply “You have no idea. But, thank God for Skype.” I made the decision to study abroad long before I met my wonderful boyfriend, Kris. I made him well aware of my travel plans early on, thinking it would somehow ease the separation. Not so.

When separated from someone you’ve come to enjoy spending your time with, its hard to adapt to not having them around. If there wasn’t Skype or Google Hangouts, or what have you, this would be ten times harder. But, at the same time, the separation has taught us both to cherish the small things.
Chatting at the table, watching movies together, and even each others’ scent. It’s crazy what we take for granted in our society. Physical touch is something I miss being here as well. Not just holding hands, or a kiss from my guy, but just hugs in general. Knowing people. Recognizing them. Smiling when you see someone you know in a crowd. Here, I’m lost in a crowd of faces with a select few people who recognize me. I miss my family. I miss my friends. And of course, I miss my tall dark and handsome at home. Two more months. See you soon babe. Until then, I can’t wait for our next Skype date.

Letters and postcards are a romantic, old-fashioned means of communication I love! It seems he’s got my letters now.

[disclaimer: we are not responsible for any unexpected emotion invoked by sappiness or pathetic emotional stuff....:D ]