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Browsing "Travel"
Oct 31, 2012 - Life, Travel    No Comments

Rain, Rain Go Away

Another question I get frequently: Is the weather really as gloomy as it’s said to be?
The answer: Yes. For example, today I thought I’d get up early and take a photo walk around Harrow on the Hill [where I live], but the sky is gloomy, promising rain. Not only am I not taking a walk, but walking down to the grocery store for some Halloween treats this morning will be VERY cold and windy. The forecast below says its 52 degress out. The past week it’s been in the low 40s. It feels a lot colder because of the humidity and wind, though.

The rain here isn’t like Florida rain either. Most of the time it’s a light sprinkle or mist so I look like an idiot pulling an umbrella out since its virtually pointless. When it’s a misty rain, umbrellas [brollies] don’t even help because the rain is so light it blows around and doesn’t really ‘fall’, per se. Today is a gloomy day, therefore it will be cold and windy all day.Florida normally you can almost tell when it’s about to rain. I’ve learned to read Florida skies. But here, its unpredictable and the sky doesn’t clear up after it rains. Usually it’ll pour for an hour or so in Florida then the sun will come out. A bit bipolar, but it makes planning my day easier. In London, I may as well forget doing anything outside today. I’ve inserted a screen shot of the weather forecast I got on my phone for today. You see, it says it’s only going to rain until 5 pm today, but I highly doubt that. It’ll still be ‘misting’ even when it’s not technically raining.
To say the least I definitely miss my Florida sunshine. I also miss the longer days of the south. Being so far north and the fact that we just turned our clocks back, the days are even shorter. It’s getting dark at 4 p.m. here. Definitely not what I’m used to.

Rain, rain go away, come again some other day… and believe me it’ll be back!