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Nov 10, 2012 - Travel    No Comments

A Week of Politics, Plays, and Papers

So naturally, being an American citizen in a European country, I’ve gotten lots of questions about my thoughts on the election and politics. Blah Blah Blah! All the stuff I’m sick of hearing about. I had to do at least one blog on this since our president just got re-elected on Tuesday.

What it comes down to for me is the moral issues. Before I start, I’ll have you know I didn’t have the chance to vote, but Florida was undecided anyways so… Anywho, the first question people asked me was who I was rooting for and what I thought of Obama. I’m not going to get into that, but what I found most interesting was the fact that most people here liked Obama. Heck, if the election took place here I could say Obama would’ve won by a more significant gap than in America. I think the Brits partially dislike Mitt Romney due to the fact he came over here and apparently insulted them by saying the olympics would suck. This is just hearsay F.Y.I.! The same problem with people’s opinions exists here, as well. They base a political choice on the media: on image and how good of a speaker a candidate is. Obama apparently has a good public image over here. In America I’d say that our country is split right down the middle though. How is that even a valid way to put someone in office. Winning by a few states is so bogus. A friend posted this video on my wall about the “aternative vote”. It blew my mind! Obviously our two party system isn’t satisfying America. Whoever has the most $$$$ for their campaign historically has won elections. Is that what American is becoming? An elite club?

Back to where I started. I said it comes down to moral issues for me because I really didn’t like either of the candidates. They both have their flaws and corrupt in some way whether their constituents admit it or not. If I voted I would’ve have chosen life. That’s where I stand and I won’t budge. I don’t believe that one human can decide they don’t want to accept the consequences of their actions so they KILL another one. When does that baby ever get a say in whether they live or die? Womens’ Rights? What about the little girl you aborted? What about herrights? When it comes to rape, there is the option of adoption. That’s all I will say. Two wrongs don’t make a right. I also would’ve have voted against Gay marriage. Again, I will keep it short. I believe homosexuality is a choice not an orientation, and what you do in your spare time sexually should have nothing to do with destroying the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman. HELLOOO?!?! Our body parts as male and female were made to fit for a reason. (Ew!! A biology lesson? Come on, Amber) Don’t even give me that “dolphins are gay” crap either.

Phew! Now that we’re past that… what I’m trying to get at is I vote for the candidate that does not compromise my moral choices. So…. on the the “Plays” part of the title. I went to go see ‘Singing in the Rain’ at the Palace Theatre in Leicester Square (pronounced lester). And holy moly was it amazing. Spoiler Alert! It actually rained on stage. There was a splash zone in the first couple of rows. most of the play was the same as the movie but there were some added and altered scenes due to the fact it was on a stage and not in a studio. Duh. Anyways, the Theatre was packed. only one row was empty. These tickets aren’t cheap either. I wish Americans appreciated theatre as much as the Brits do. Next up I think Phantom of the Opera and Les Miserables since I’ve never seen either. I want to watch the play before seeing the new movie, too.

I also wrote a 6 page paper this week. That was fun. NOT. “Where does the power lie in the European Union?” I don’t know. Why are you asking me, I’m American. What an ambiguous task to first figure out what the European Union is, first of all, then analyze its intricate decision making process. It was interesting on some counts, but man is the EU complicated. If you ask me, Europe is heading in the direction of a supranational federal state. [Not explaining...] Just like America, it’s becoming a melting pot. Sad for me because I love authenticity and culture.

Well, off to dancing! Ta Ta for now!